Small Goals, Big Gains: February
Last month I laid out my plans for working on smaller tasks that will help me work toward overall larger goals for 2019. Let's take a look back and see how I did with January's tasks, and see what I've got planned for February. January's goals in review: List one thing on Etsy every day. Success! I only missed two days with this, but there were a couple of days I listed more than one thing, and my shop is up to 140 items now (from around 30!). This has led to more sales this January than last (up from a whopping ZERO), with orders going out to five different states, along with over triple the shop views, so I can see the results already. Post on Instagram every day. Another success! Again, I only missed two days, and I've become more engaged with my followers. Blog posts - I posts ten times in January, which I'm really happy about. I have to work on better timing for writing and laying out posts, but I'm pleased with getting on...