Smaller Goals, Bigger Gain

When a new year rolls around, everyone begins thinking about and talking about their resolutions, intentions, and/or goals for the coming year.  We almost can't help but think about it - the new year is pretty much the ultimate reset point: new calendar, new planner, we're cleaning up from and possibly regretting some of the indulgences of the holidays and ready to make a change.  We're going to be better, eat better, read more, spend less, and all the other life-changing plans.  Except after a month or two, we fall back into old ways because changing is hard and really big intentions can be difficult to achieve.

This year I decided that, while I have some year-long intentions in mind that I'd love to accomplish, I'm going to focus on small goals each month.  Each of these items will have an overall impact on my intentions, but are smaller pieces of the puzzle, and by committing to one month I'm hoping that they start to become a habit that I can then build upon.

The three main areas of my life these goals will cover are my business/Etsy, health and wellness, and a tidy home.  My Etsy shop has become a neglected wasteland of forgotten items, and by not tending to it, I wasn't exactly driving business that way, so I decided that I want to work on my online presence this year and rebuild my shop.  I want to make some gains towards overall health to set myself on a good path as I get older, and I want to live in a house that isn't cluttered and has room for us to enjoy it.

Each month I plan to set small tasks to help with these goals - I'll share them here and I'm going to track them in my planner.  I feel like working at this monthly will help me reflect on the types of actions that I am good at following through on and the types that I'm not.  From that I can develop goals for the next month and hopefully make better daily plans.


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