2015 Goals Check-in.


I figured it would be a good time to check in with myself and the goals that I set for the new year.  To be honest I totally forgot about most of these.  Things have just been lately, so I'm actually pretty thrilled to revisit this list.

1. Continue to grow Milo and Molly locally and online.  This has been slow growth so far on the Internet front.  I've been doing a lot of work with a local market, which is super interesting and I'm learning a lot about running a market, but then I don't have a ton of time to get actual products online.  I'm hoping to have a good stretch of time in the summer to get the Internets realigned.  Locally, my goods are in three shops with the possibility of two more, so I'm excited about that.  It's slow progress but I'm happy to be getting something done.

2. Return to the blog.  Well, we all know it's been hit or miss lately.  Sometimes I feel like I have a string of ideas and then sometimes there's nothing and I can't stretch my brain to write.  I'm okay with it for now, and I'm happy to know that you are still out there reading.  You can often find me over on the Nutmeg Collective's blog, where our weekly editorial calendar keeps me more in check.

3. Declutter.  Still working on this.  The cold, cold, cold, long winter got me kind of hermit-like, but I've got a pile going of things to move on their way and will slowly be doing that as the weather gets warmer.  I've also started thinking about the spring cleaning that really needs to happen so I'm hoping that will put me in an even better organizing mood.  I would just love to be able to have the windows open when that happens, but guess what?  Snow showers predicted for the morning yet again.

4. Exercise.  I am finally working on this.  The 20-lb. surprise has gotten me in gear, and while I'm still not on a solid routine, I have been able to carve out a slot in the day where I can get down on the elliptical and get at least 20 minutes in, and I think it's helping.  When it finally decides to get a little warmer, I'm hoping to get Casey out for walks, which will be good for both of us.  Plus, I do feel better once I've done it- it's just the doing it part that's kind of lousy.

5. Meal planning and Making My Own.  I kind of forgot that I wanted to work on this, but I have to tell you, part of helping myself get back on track when the schedule goes off the rails is to know what we're going to have for dinner.  If I know ahead of time, I start to make it earlier, giving me time to do said exercise after dinner, etc. etc.

6. Random Acts of Kindness. I actually started off really well with this- I was doing small things here and there and it felt good to do something randomly nice, but again with all my little bits of time being eaten up and becoming a hermit, I seem to have just put this out of my mind.  I'm happy to revisit it now that I'm looking at it and try to get back on the kindness train.

7. Make Things for Us.  Not a thing has been made for the kids since I wrote this.  My goal was to use some of the fabric I've bought for them and to actually make things I've promised them, so I really need to get on this.  My friend Kaci from tinymack has inspired me to try and make Greta a dress of some sort.

So there you have it.  It's amazing how much weather and other things going on can affect so much of your life when you put it out on paper like that.  Goals and objectives that were fresh in my mind at the start of the year went so badly off the rails so quickly!  I never feel pressure with goals I make, but they are obviously something important to me so I need to pay them some attention.  I'm going to add to my list, just to make myself crazier:

8. Plant a Garden.  This is always something we do to some extent.  I usually have pots of tomatoes, but I'd like to get the kids involved in planting peapods, cucumbers, carrots, and things like that.  We have the seeds and starter pots, so I'm hoping to get going on that when they're off of school this Friday.

9. Learn and Use Hootsuite.  Between Etsy, blog, and Nutmeg Collective work, I'd like to get myself organized to help promote myself better.  If anyone knows of a good tutorial post on it, please send it my way!

Finally, my overarching theme of the year is Intention - am I actively making choices throughout my day or am I being passive and letting things happen?  So far it's been both.  I think things had gotten to a sliding point, but I realized it and am now intentionally getting back on track.  It's a continual balancing act.

How has the first quarter of your year been?  Did you set goals, and if so, how are you doing on them?  I always love to root for people who are accomplishing things that are important to them.


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