Holiday Treats: Peanut Butter Balls

I love to cook and bake and I do it often, but I know that not everyone does, so I was so excited when I looked through my Christmas cookie list (yes, there is a list) and saw these awesome no-bake peanut butter balls on there because I knew they would be perfect to share with you.  They are super easy for bakers and non-bakers alike, and I promise I'll make it as painless as possible.  Plus, just think of them as crunchy round peanut butter cups and that will probably keep you going.

This recipe came to me through my oldest and dearest friend when we were hosting a cookie exchange one year.  If you've never done one, you make one dozen cookies for each person invited (for them to take home) and one extra dozen for taste-testing during the party.  That way everyone ends up with several dozen types of cookies but you only have to make one.  Anyhoo....she made these crispy peanut butter balls and they were a hit.  While I was teaching, I made them for my students one year (before peanut butter was banned shortly thereafter) and they ate them all.  Quickly.

For the how-to on these great treats, hop on over to Dandelions and Lace where I'm guest posting today!


  1. yumyumyumyumyumyum!!!! congrats on the guest post, how fun!!

  2. YES! I'm one of those non-cookers you're trying to help. Greatly appreciated, because these will be a huge hit at Christmas.


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