Taco Party: Marinated Grilled Steak Tacos with Guacamole

After finding a yummy taco recipe on Pinterest, Paige thought it might be a fun idea to have a taco party, blogger-style, with a bunch of us posting different taco recipes today.  I jumped at the idea because tacos are a frequent menu item around here, making it into rotation an awful lot in the summer.  We do different variations- sometimes grilled chicken, sometimes spicy ground beef, but then there's my current favorite: grilled marinated steak.

Every taco night around here starts with a batch of homemade guacamole and a big bowl of freshly shredded cheddar cheese.  For this version, I buy about a pound of beef round strips- the type that are best marinated for awhile in some fantastic sauce.  I'd like to tell you I have a fantastic sauce recipe, but on this one, I cheat:

I love this and it's great on both steak and chicken, and it makes the meat so tasty.  I marinate it for at least a few hours before cooking, but overnight is even better.  Grill off the meat on either an indoor grill pan or an outdoor grill on medium-high heat for about 10-15 minutes, turning, until it reaches your choice of doneness.  I always try and make it medium rare.  Just spread the guacamole over a warm flour tortilla, top it with meat and cheese, and it's ready.  It's a nice, simple summer meal, and I usually serve it with brown rice and black beans.

Are tacos on your menu often?

Make sure and visit the other taco partiers:

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