Thursday Thought: Let's Go to the Beach.

This has been on my mind so much lately, particularly over the recent school vacations when everyone was posting their travel photos.  The envy and the travel itch set in - and I am not a good traveler.  I hate to be in a place I don't know, where I don't know where to go or what to visit or just how to be.  But I really have been craving warm weather and sunshine and the beach, to the point where I was researching plane tickets to both Florida - hoping maybe we could just make a quick trip to see Nana - and to Turks and Caicos - our honeymoon spot, which we loved so much.

Alas, the airlines clearly didn't want us to fly because the prices were insane, so here we sit, excited over a 45 degree day.  I still would love to get away and do nothing but sit on the beach and read and watch the kids play.  One day we'll be there.

Who else needs beach?  (or mountains, or desert, or what have you)  Who's got the travel bug?


  1. YES. I need beach. I'm in the same boat as you-- jealous of everyone's spring break photos and unable to afford plane tickets. I just need a break from Baltimore, my house, and work. Andrew planned a camping trip at the beach on Mother's Day weekend as a Valentine's Day gift, but that's camping and with the dog, so not as relaxing as I think he thinks it is. And that time of year it could either be gorgeous or freezing here. I really just need a week of complete relaxation at a WARM beach that doesn't involve a tent or sleeping bag...hahaha!

  2. Yes- I agree! It's nice that he planned the trip and I'm sure you'll have a good time, but it's not the same as being in a hotel when you know it's also going to be warm and sunny. That's what I want RIGHT NOW! :) I'm burned out on winter and our crazy routine, so I could totally deal with reading on the beach and playing with the kids in the water for a week.

  3. Paige @ Little NostalgiaApril 2, 2015 at 10:39 AM

    Nate and I have specifically talked about a beach trip, too. I think this winter was just so awful for everybody that beaches are going to be the hot vacation spots for a while. We're going to LA for Memorial Day to see the nephews, but California water is freezing so that's not exactly what we had in mind. Haha. Turks and Caicos sounds wonderful. The only tropical place I've ever been was Hawaii for our honeymoon. That's absolutely out of the question now, though--that trip was more expensive than going to Europe. :-(

  4. Yup, the trip would have been about $4000 not including meals, so we may have to defer that for AWHILE. Though, our 10th anniversary is coming in just under 2 years, so maybe I can save a little until then and make it a surprise trip!

  5. I so want to go to the beach. My kids have been asking and I just need a BREAK!

  6. That's what it is! I need a break from this crazy routine and laundry and cooking and I just want to veg with a book in a lounge chair. :)


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