How In the World Do People Find My Stuff?

That is a sort-of rhetorical question.  I'm not really looking for an answer to it (I know about Analytics, etc. etc.), but as I was sitting here checking through my activity feed, I literally asked that aloud.

If you are non-Etsy, an activity feed is a screen where you can see anyone who favorites your stuff or your shop (and what's going on with people in your circle, but that topic is for another day).  I am always so grateful when anyone favorites my shop or one of my items, but I am left completely baffled at how they may have found an item that was listed over a month ago when I'm not posting anything new or renewing my listings (I'm slacking, I know).  I am left wondering, in what manner did they find me?  An old treasury?  A tweet I sent out?  I am certainly not complaining but I am totally curious!

Oh, which leads me to another thought that's been rattling around in my head for a few weeks: some of my very-first-listed items are coming due to expire in the middle of the month, and I'm wondering if I should renew them or let them go.  What would you do?  Keep any that have been favorited, perhaps?  Renew them and put them on sale?  Let them go and try desperately to get some inspiration to make and post something new?

Some of my soon-to-expire favorites:

Square magnetic bookmarks

Miniature magnetic bookmarks

Miniature magnetic bookmarks

Classic ribbon bookmarks

Nature-inspired note card set

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