Pinterest: I Tried It (Bread Tie Tape End)
Welcome Pinners and friends! If you've tried something from one of your pinboards this week and blogged about it, you can link up your post at the bottom of this one. I really love to see what you come up with and how you interpret your pins.
I will fully admit that this week's try-it will seem like a cop-out. It's not; but it was kind of an accident. I have been so busy this week, I basically forgot to plan on something. Not good. The whole point of this endeavor is to plan ahead to make sure I am trying out the neat-o things I pin instead of just looking at them, saying, "Oh, maybe one day..."
But, you know how life goes and this week, it just got overlooked. Fortunately for me, I remembered that I actually did do something from one of my boards- this, from my Things To Try board:
I was using my packing tape to seal a few outgoing packages, and I always make a little triangle in the end of the tape so I can find it again the next time. Easy, but then I always have a loose triangle-corner stuck to my package. And I remembered this photo, and I just so happened to have saved a few of those bread ties just in case I got around to this, and so I attached one to the end of the packing tape roll. Success! When I needed it a few days later, no looking for the triangle because I had this big 'ol plastic thing stuck to it. The only problem: the tape stuck pretty well to the plastic so I had to fiddle with getting it off without wrinkling the tape. Maybe it's better with masking tape, like it shows above, but it works pretty darn well regarless.
So how about you? How were your pinning experiments this week? Link up below or leave a comment! And remember- same time next week! I had a lot of fun trying this one out and may stick to the sewing board for a little while.
Feel free to grab a botton to add to your post to share this link-up with your readers!