A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That

Happy impending holiday weekend!  Just a few things going on around here:

1. I have been trying very hard to new get things listed in my shop.  A lot of it is leftover from the last craft show.  I am actually for the first time on the cusp of 100 items- the golden Etsy number.  I have plenty of stuff to get there, I just need to find time to list it all!  Here's a bit of what's new:

 Hoop pincushions! I'll be adding more over the next few days.

New tea towel combinations

Bip and burp cloth sets

A whole bunch of new card and stationery sets

Plus a lot more already there and a lot more to add!  Check it out here!

2. From Black Friday through Cyber Monday all of my US orders will ship for FREE!!  All international orders will ship for half price!!  It's very exciting!

3. While I'm at it, I have coupon codes out here, here, and here.  All of these will expire Thanksgiving day, so if you're planning to shop, you might want to see which is the better deal!

4. On the house front, the counter is in!  The cabinet that we had to take down is back up!  The oven is hooked back up!  The dishwasher is secure!  The sink is....not hooked up.  !!!!!!  Apparently it's a good idea to let all the sealants dry first before pulling on the sink, so add on another day to my sinkless tally.  It actually hasn't been that bad but we have made a lot of paper goods garbage.  Reveal photos coming soon!

5. After the holiday weekend here I am going to have some fabulous fun stuff going on!  Guest posts, gift guides, recipes and food ideas, and giveaways!  I'm hoping it will be an entertaining slide right into the holiday season, my favorite time of year.

6. I'm going to try very hard to catch up on all my blog and actually leave some comments.  That will be quite a feat.

What's going on in your neck of the woods?  If you're having holiday sales, feel free to leave them in the comments!

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