10 Things About Me.

1. I love alternative sports.  Croquet (above), darts, bowling, bocce, badminton, miniature golf, racquetball, lawn darts- those are my things.  Give me a ball and a net/goal/etc. on a team and forget it.

2. I never paint my fingernails.  I find that I can't keep my hands still long enough to let the paint dry and to keep myself from smudging it immediately, and if I do, it inevitably chips off really quickly with the amount of "stuff" I'm doing with my hands every day.

3. At one point in college I had three earring holes in each ear.  I'm not sure who that person was because I can barely manage to remember one pair now.  I haven't checked in awhile but I do think the other two sets closed up.  I actually wanted to have them going all the way up my ear (remember in the 90s when that was cool?) but then I heard that you can hear your ear cartilage crack when they put the earring through so that was the end of that.

4. Senior year of high school I got the female lead in the class musical.  I was Rosemary in How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying.  I sang solos in front of lots of people.  I don't know how I managed that, but it was a really, really fun experience.

5. I can play the clarinet, having started in the 4th grade.  I diligently practiced every day, and my parents said they really liked listening to it.  I wonder now if that was true.  I wasn't bad, but it must have been awfully repetitive.  Related to that, I really wish I knew how to play the violin, the piano, and the banjo.

6. I am a constant worrier- focused on things that probably would never happen but might.  I always jump to the worst-case scenario and like to prepare myself for events before they happen- meaning bringing any and all necessary supplies and having an escape plan- so that I can try to enjoy myself.  The more unfamiliar the situation, the worse I am.

7. I get very easily motion-sick.  When I was little, my parents' favorite weekend idea used to start with, "Let's go for a ride!" not realizing just how miserable I was, and since I was little, I didn't exactly know how to tell them how I felt.  (I don't generally throw up.  I get kind of dizzy, queasy, and and I don't want to talk or have anyone talk to me.)  I still get carsick, so that makes me the driver in most cases, though I can still make myself carsick while driving, which I think is pretty amazing.

8. The question, "What are you going to do when both kids are in school full-time?" terrifies me.  I don't think I want to teach again.  I don't know if Milo and Molly could be a sustainable full-time business.  I don't know what I want to do.  I've never been the type of person with the "Five Year Plan" everyone always asks about.  Actually, I would love to be a librarian in a public library, but I'm not exactly in a position to go back to school and get yet another degree.  I really wish I had just gone to school for that in the first place.

9. I learned how to use a sewing machine in the 7th grade, in Home Economics class taught by Mrs. Brown.  I don't actually remember learning how to use the machine, but I didn't know how to before that semester and I did after, so it had to be her.  Other than that, I am a completely self-taught sewer and quilter, and have nothing but good things to say about people who post how-to's on the Internet.

10. My husband and I met through a mutual friend in August 2000 and we've been together ever since.  I liked him almost immediately and he didn't like me at all.  Thank goodness for AIM or we may not be together now.  Technology rocks.

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