10 Things About Me.

1. I love alternative sports.  Croquet (above), darts, bowling, bocce, badminton, miniature golf, racquetball, lawn darts- those are my things.  Give me a ball and a net/goal/etc. on a team and forget it.

2. I never paint my fingernails.  I find that I can't keep my hands still long enough to let the paint dry and to keep myself from smudging it immediately, and if I do, it inevitably chips off really quickly with the amount of "stuff" I'm doing with my hands every day.

3. At one point in college I had three earring holes in each ear.  I'm not sure who that person was because I can barely manage to remember one pair now.  I haven't checked in awhile but I do think the other two sets closed up.  I actually wanted to have them going all the way up my ear (remember in the 90s when that was cool?) but then I heard that you can hear your ear cartilage crack when they put the earring through so that was the end of that.

4. Senior year of high school I got the female lead in the class musical.  I was Rosemary in How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying.  I sang solos in front of lots of people.  I don't know how I managed that, but it was a really, really fun experience.

5. I can play the clarinet, having started in the 4th grade.  I diligently practiced every day, and my parents said they really liked listening to it.  I wonder now if that was true.  I wasn't bad, but it must have been awfully repetitive.  Related to that, I really wish I knew how to play the violin, the piano, and the banjo.

6. I am a constant worrier- focused on things that probably would never happen but might.  I always jump to the worst-case scenario and like to prepare myself for events before they happen- meaning bringing any and all necessary supplies and having an escape plan- so that I can try to enjoy myself.  The more unfamiliar the situation, the worse I am.

7. I get very easily motion-sick.  When I was little, my parents' favorite weekend idea used to start with, "Let's go for a ride!" not realizing just how miserable I was, and since I was little, I didn't exactly know how to tell them how I felt.  (I don't generally throw up.  I get kind of dizzy, queasy, and and I don't want to talk or have anyone talk to me.)  I still get carsick, so that makes me the driver in most cases, though I can still make myself carsick while driving, which I think is pretty amazing.

8. The question, "What are you going to do when both kids are in school full-time?" terrifies me.  I don't think I want to teach again.  I don't know if Milo and Molly could be a sustainable full-time business.  I don't know what I want to do.  I've never been the type of person with the "Five Year Plan" everyone always asks about.  Actually, I would love to be a librarian in a public library, but I'm not exactly in a position to go back to school and get yet another degree.  I really wish I had just gone to school for that in the first place.

9. I learned how to use a sewing machine in the 7th grade, in Home Economics class taught by Mrs. Brown.  I don't actually remember learning how to use the machine, but I didn't know how to before that semester and I did after, so it had to be her.  Other than that, I am a completely self-taught sewer and quilter, and have nothing but good things to say about people who post how-to's on the Internet.

10. My husband and I met through a mutual friend in August 2000 and we've been together ever since.  I liked him almost immediately and he didn't like me at all.  Thank goodness for AIM or we may not be together now.  Technology rocks.

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  1. Paige @ Little NostalgiaJuly 30, 2014 at 9:11 AM

    We have so much in common! (But you already knew that.) I get motion sickness pretty easily in the car, especially if we're in a cab, but I can do roller coasters with no problem. How strange is that? And I was also a member of the three earring holes club in my youth. I had a bonus fourth one in my left ear, too, about halfway up, and I did indeed hear the cartilage pop. That piercing hurt more than getting my tattoo. Do not recommend.

  2. I had no clue that your secret talent was singing! Do you think that you'd ever want to run your shop full time? You never know how things could change without any kids in the house-- I mean, more time often can lead to more opportunities, you know?

  3. I always forget that you have a tattoo! I've never gotten one because I always thought that it would hurt like a bitch, but recently in the last couple weeks I've had this strange pull to get one. I'm opposite as you-- can't do roller coasters, but am fine in the car for hours upon hours.

  4. LeAnn Larson FrobomJuly 30, 2014 at 3:37 PM

    Great list. You're young. You'll sort it out. Enjoy this time with Milo and Molly --- they grow up SO fast!!

  5. Bonus! And ouch. I forget you have a tattoo too. I don't know if I could ever do that!

  6. I think about what I would get if I had to get one. I would definitely go for something small and delicate.

  7. I don't know if I would call singing a talent, per se LOL!! Without music I can get terribly off-key. I think I'd like to try and run my shop full time. This coming fall will be a whole different schedule with Gus in kindergarten, so we'll see how it goes!

  8. I'm hopping over to read your list! I always find these so interesting.


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