Modern Guy Style.

A few nights ago, we watched the movie Her, which was very interesting and seemingly set in the future, where technology plays an even bigger role in people's everyday lives than it does now.  (There was a mention as to how books are rarely printed anymore.)  However, the aesthetic of the sets and costumes had a very 1960s-meets-modern color-blocking look to it.  (If you haven't seen the film, I'm sorry if that makes no sense.  If you have, does that make sense?)  Anyway, I was commenting to my husband how nice everyone looked- covered up, nicely styled, no wacky body-altering things like mint green hair- and I mentioned how it would be nice to see more people take more of an interest in classic style, where men wore suits and women wore tailored skirts and dresses.  Not that I want to be wearing a dress all the time- it just fit with the conversation- but there was an air of pride way back when in pulling yourself together to look nice in public.  So I decided to go in search of some modern men putting together a classic look, yet totally up-to-date with the times.  You don't mind some eye candy on a Monday, do you?

Can I get an amen for tailored pants?  And actually, tailored, close-fitting everything?  There is something about clothes that actually fit that just pulls the whole look together.  The same style would not work with baggy pants or an oversized shirt.  And let's not forget accessories:

(Note: when searching for modern, hipster-style yet classic-looking men, you will find there are a lot of dark-haired, bearded, tattooed men smoking cigarettes.  Actually, just dark-haired men in general.  Apparently there aren't many blonde hipsters.)

If you're looking to find a gift for your modern man, may I suggest the following:
beauty and the biker (this is by far one of the best product descriptions I've read)

You can't go wrong with classic elements and an overall look of care and consideration as to what you're putting out there to the masses.

What's your favorite man style?  Anyone else want to see people more dressed up, or do you prefer a more casual, dressed-down approach?

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