Signs of Spring

Yesterday was the first 60 degree day in a long time, and full of sun. It was the first day in a long time where you actually wanted to go outside and spend some time there. So that's what we did. Even though the yard isn't completely free of snow, we were able to start a little bit of spring cleanup, picking up all the sticks and pinecones that fell out of the trees over the winter. We found some nice surprises, too.

Daffodils starting to poke out of the ground!

Irises, too!
Of course, the dog has gotten used to being in the snow now, and I think she's quite taken with it.

With all the grass exposed, that's where she stands.

The toddler also had a blast, running around and getting dirty.

Fell in a puddle. We went through three pairs of pants yesterday.

Yes, that is a one foot-tall John Deere wheelbarrow.

Happy Friday!

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