
So badly neglecting this poor blog!!  Hi readers!  Still out there?  How is everyone?

I have been busy.  B.U.S.Y.  Mostly with the horrid grass cloth project.  Here's where we're at:

Wall One: Done!

Wall Two: Almost Done!

 Wall Three: Well....the grass is gone!

So we're making progress.  Turns out that really, really, really wetting everything helps with this stuff, so we moved from the bucket and sponge to the big guns:

 That's more like it, and it helps us move a lot faster.  We're hoping to have the wallpaper down and the ceiling scraped (icky now grayish-colored popcorn) so we can paint next week.

In other news, changes are hopefully coming to the blog and shop soon!  I'm very excited about it all but need more time in the day to get it all done!  And does anyone else really hate the time change?  I'm exhausted!

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