Happiness Is.

It's Friday!  I hope everyone had a good week!  I'd like to continue my end-of-week happiness review.

Happiness is...

...new fabric.  Some is for planned projects and some is just because.

...iced coffee.  With this stuff.  Mmmmm....

...summer gatherings with swimming pools involved.  Tomorrow we're headed to a cookout at a house with a pool.  Fun for the kids, fun for me.  I then realized that I have no grown-up swimsuit and went looking.  I found this one at the Gap:

Not overly mom-ish but not teenage chickadee either.  At my local store on sale, with an additional 40% off.  Now that's happy.  Swimming with the kids just got a little more comfortable.

...this great find.  Needs paint, but will be super handy in the work room.

...being accepted to my second craft show (yup, we're trying another one) that required an application and small jury process.  October show and Christmas goods, here I come!

Finally, two quick little bloggy pleas before I run off for the day:

1.Comments are awesome and being able to reply to comments is even better.  If you don't have your e-mail hooked up to your profile then I can't reply to you.  Take a quick read here to see how to add your e-mail and remove yourself from no-reply status.

2. Captcha is not awesome.  Inevitably when I write a nice long comment, I get that box that asks me to input the two words (and now numbers) that are getting harder and harder to read.  And then I don't want to comment any more.  So, if you'd like to turn off your comment verification system, here's how.  I worried about spam comments but seriously, there's been like, two.  Ever.

What's making you happy this week?

Happy Friday!

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