Super, Gigantic, Hugetastic Mess
Hugetastic is totally a word, right? If it's not, then it should be, and its dictionary entry should show a picture of my living room.
Because our living room project has been on pause due to a still yet undelivered pair of bookcases that need to be installed before we can order furniture, we figured we'd move on and do some of the dining room stuff. I'm happy to report that the wallpaper is going much better, though not quite done, because hubs started scraping the popcorn off the ceiling this weekend, and that put a cramp in my scraping because someone had to watch the kids.
In the meantime, our completely empty living room has come in handy because it now houses the kitchen table, some other various pieces of furniture that were in that space, plus every toy known to man. You can't even move in there right now. In addition, we had to take the dining room light down to get around the fixture so we've been sort of in the dark since Saturday. We got a new light but it can't be hung up until the final paint coat is done, which occurred late into the evening last night. In the meantime, meals have been in the living room or on the deck, and we had to order pizza last night because the cabinets and stove are covered in plastic. Drat.
In the interim, I've started to think about decoration. That wallpaper wall is going to be about 3/4 cabinets when we're done. (I know- why remove the wallpaper then? I just don't want to know it's under there, for one thing. Hubs has to mark up the wall to hang the cabinets for another. We just want to have a clean slate underneath.) Anyway, along the right edge there will be a little more than a foot of space, so my first thought was a set of 3 of some kitchen-themed art prints, since the kitchen and dining room are one big space. On top of my list for choices:
These lovely prints are from handz. They are fun and retro, and while not our typical style, there is something about them that I just love. There are so many awesome prints to choose from that I'd have a hard time picking.
Then there are these prints from the shop FlourishCafe. I really love the mix of graphics and illustration, and the colors would go great in the space.
Finally, penandpaint has some really original hand-drawn designs, and these come in a range of colors. It would be fun to mix and match the colors on these.
Which ones would you pick?
Because our living room project has been on pause due to a still yet undelivered pair of bookcases that need to be installed before we can order furniture, we figured we'd move on and do some of the dining room stuff. I'm happy to report that the wallpaper is going much better, though not quite done, because hubs started scraping the popcorn off the ceiling this weekend, and that put a cramp in my scraping because someone had to watch the kids.
In the interim, I've started to think about decoration. That wallpaper wall is going to be about 3/4 cabinets when we're done. (I know- why remove the wallpaper then? I just don't want to know it's under there, for one thing. Hubs has to mark up the wall to hang the cabinets for another. We just want to have a clean slate underneath.) Anyway, along the right edge there will be a little more than a foot of space, so my first thought was a set of 3 of some kitchen-themed art prints, since the kitchen and dining room are one big space. On top of my list for choices:
These lovely prints are from handz. They are fun and retro, and while not our typical style, there is something about them that I just love. There are so many awesome prints to choose from that I'd have a hard time picking.
Then there are these prints from the shop FlourishCafe. I really love the mix of graphics and illustration, and the colors would go great in the space.
Finally, penandpaint has some really original hand-drawn designs, and these come in a range of colors. It would be fun to mix and match the colors on these.
Which ones would you pick?