Happiness Is

So I missed doing a happiness post last week because happiness was sleeping until almost 9 am while the boy played quietly in his room and the baby slept in.  Amazing.  However, because the rest of the day was jam-packed and scheduled, the late start left the blog post by the wayside.  Today is getting away from me to, but I wanted to make sure I posted because we have been busy.

Happiness is...

...NEW COUCHES!  We haven't had couches in our living room since we finished the basement over a year ago and moved ours down there.  It is very weird to sit in the living room.  In fact, I haven't done it much yet.  I don't have a photo yet because we have no tables, lamps, or wall art.  That will come soon!

...new cabinets hung on the dining room wall, allowing me to empty this very awkward pantry we have and organize things in the kitchen a lot easier.  It looks amazing.  But, we are waiting on the small slab of counter top that we ordered, so no photo of that yet either.  Soon!

...the old pantry demolished!  No sooner did I get the pantry empty and hubs was ready to tear it down.  Like, while I was cooking dinner that night.  So now our entry hall, which had the pantry closet and the "laundry room", is now empty in preparation for a half bath and new actual mudroom.

Beautiful, ain't it?  The light switches are just hanging from the ceiling.

...making progress.  We are finally getting to all the projects in the main living space and it's making me feel happier and calmer to have some organization rather than stuff dumped everywhere.

Sunny marigolds in the backyard.

 I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  Tell me what's making you happy this week!


  1. you caught that huh? all the way down there at the bottom? happiness is............

    happiness is any type of demo. i was SO happy when i took the sledge to my old bedroom walls.

    woohoo for sleeping until 9!


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