It's a Good Day

This morning I have woken up to 8 degree temperatures, after Greta woke up in the middle of the night needing a cup of milk, which hasn't happened in probably nine months, after Gus woke up earlier than that from a bad dream, and is now crabby and doesn't want to go to the playdate we scheduled, and it's not even 9am yet.

However, I've decided to think positive.  If I try and make it a good day, it can be a good day.  So much of our time is spent being negative, worrying, and complaining, the news is depressing, our days don't turn out the way we planned.  I'm going to try and push all that aside and make the best days I can for myself, the best days I can for my family.  I can be more understanding, more patient, and more calm with the daily bumps that come along.

It's a good day to have a good day.
I hope you have a good day, too.


  1. Well, thank you! I haven't been awake that long yet, but this totally brightened my morning. I hope you have an awesome day, too.

  2. Love this mentality! I have to say, I must have taken your luck cause its supposed to be 70 today (you read that right 70 in January in Colorado! ) and Luci let me sleep in till 8! Not to rub it on or anything;)

  3. Thanks so much for featuring our print! Love the sentiment behind your post. We have this hanging in our bathroom so it's the first thing I see every morning. I'm not a morning person so need the reminder each day! :)

  4. I've been trying to have a similar positive outlook these days and it is helping me so much! Thanks for this reminder! I hope the rest of you day picked up and got better! :)

  5. I have weeks where I am overwhelmed with life that all I do is thinking about negative things. I actually feel it's more exhausting to be completely negative than it is to be positive. Usually what helps is to do something I know I'm good at like.. cleaning the bathroom. yay.. I didn't suck at that. You deserve a pat on your back Ayla or doing a job job watching a TV show. Amazing. You are really awesome at turning the volume up and down.'s the little things that keep me going sometimes.


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