Friday Fun: Grammar v.6

I've been missing a strong dose of grammatical hilarity over the past few months' absence, so I figured that I'd better get to finding something that would tickle my funny bone, and I also came across some interesting and thought-provoking articles on the subject, so I threw those in, too.
 Because I really, really couldn't pick just one, you're welcome.

Is Your Usage Right When You Say "Grammar"?

I Won't Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar
(made funnier because the web address cut off to say "who-use-poo")

This Embarrasses You and I*

In general, my point is, I hate poor grammar and usage and it irks me when I read a post that has really common errors in it, especially repeatedly.  But I came across this article so I thought I'd throw it in since it presents the opposite view.  Are we being rude and one-uppity when we make comments referencing such errors?  Or are we just wishing to elevate others to a level of grammar that should be learned by high school?  I don't think a person should be outright rude in someone's comments section, but I also think good grammar should be a qualification for certain jobs, including anything that involves (ahem) writing.  And really, the comment on the bottom of this letter pretty much sums it up.

I'd love to hear what you think- regarding anything I've posted.  This is one of my favorite topics!


  1. I don't think that it's appropriate to leave rude comments about grammar, but I also think that it's completely inexcusable for educated adults not to know basic grammatical rules. The more I develop my writing skills, the less patience I have for poor skills, especially when it comes to very basic concepts.

  2. I agree! The whole idea of not getting the basic concepts is the most frustrating!


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