Random Kindnesses.


Particularly around Christmastime, you start to hear about people performing kindnesses for others, or you read the posts online about the wild tip someone gave a waitress, and I'm always inspired by those stories and how some people have the presence of mind to be so creatively generous.  With the spirit of that in mind, one of my goals this year is to commit to practicing more random acts of kindness.  Like I said in my post on Monday, I feel like I'm a pretty mindful person, and I try to do nice things to do for others, but it's generally people I know.  I think part of being truly kind is helping out those you don't know as well.  I've started to create a list of possible acts- ideally I would love to do at least one thing a month- but I need some help fleshing out ideas.

One thing I would love to do is be a Layaway Santa- someone who pays off someone's Christmas gifts on layaway who might not otherwise make their payment. Other ideas I've seen around are leaving a free rental code and popcorn on the Redbox and leaving quarters on vending machines or gumball machines.  Both of these sound super fun and easy to do.  Then there's paying for the coffee of someone behind you in line at the drive-through, or buying a $5 gift card for coffee and handing it to the person behind you.  Both of those sound awkward and introvert-terrifying.  That might be good for me.

However, I would also like to do things that don't necessarily require money, and those are harder to think of.  Writing letters (real, with-a-stamp letters) to people will probably be on the list.  Leaving encouraging, uplifting notes on random cars sounds kind of fun, but is it also kind of creeper-ish?  There's lots of ideas to bake cookies/muffins/brownies for the mailman/doctor's office/librarian, but in this day and age doesn't giving random food to people seem weird?  Like, there may be restrictions on what people can or can't accept?  Maybe it's just me.

So, if you don't mind, I would love to hear suggestions in the comments today.  What can I add to my list that would be a universal kindness (one thing I read was help someone change a tire, which is a pretty unique situation) that could be done anywhere, that either requires money or not.  I am open to any and all ideas.

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  1. Paige @ Little NostalgiaJanuary 7, 2015 at 8:42 AM

    My BFF bakes cookies for veterans every November. I'm pretty sure she just takes them to the local VFW, where I assume they know her by now, but you could always just call and ask if they accept food treats. (And it would be a good introvert exercise!)

    Like Julie suggested, I'm a door-holder, too. Nate literally helped an old woman cross the street downtown once, which was awesome, but also a very specific situation. You could find some local charities and donate a portion of your shop sales to them. The next time it snows, shovel your neighbor's driveway. Or offer to help somebody with yard work in the spring! Either of those would be appreciated hardcore.

  2. Door holding is always a nice thing to do! I do it sometimes, and it's amazing to see how happy the other individual becomes. Something I would like to do someday is take a bag of loose change (mostly pennies) and go to a park or other public place. I'd scatter the coins around, buy an ice cream cone, and just sit and watch others spot the change, pick it up, and comment on how they found a lucky penny. (Or two.) Another thing I've considered doing is writing a general "Hello! I hope you have a special day!" kind of a card that I can give to individuals in nursing homes. That way, they don't feel forgotten or unloved. Anyway, here are some links to other kindness ideas! I hope they're usually. You might also want to look into the "You Are Beautiful" moment. (I have a bunch of their stickers.) You can stick them anywhere, or hand them to people on the street. It never hurts to tell someone that they're beautiful, that they matter. :)






  3. Door holding is always a nice thing to do! I do it sometimes, and it's amazing to see how happy the other individual becomes. Something I would like to do someday is take a bag of loose change (mostly pennies) and go to a park or other public place. I'd scatter the coins around, buy an ice cream cone, and just sit and watch others spot the change, pick it up, and comment on how they found a lucky penny. (Or two.) Another thing I've considered doing is writing a general "Hello! I hope you have a special day!" kind of a card that I can give to individuals in nursing homes. That way, they don't feel forgotten or unloved. Anyway, here are some links to other kindness ideas! I hope they're useful. You might also want to look into the "You Are Beautiful" moment. (I have a bunch of their stickers.) You can stick them anywhere, or hand them to people on the street. It never hurts to tell someone that they're beautiful, that they matter. :)






  4. Great suggestions! We definitely have a neighbor that could use yard work help. I just don't want to overstep, you know? We'll see- it's going on the list!

  5. Yes, I always do this too. I also did a craft show at an office building and this woman with free hands walked right by me when mine were full of stuff.


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