TGIF: Pinterest Style
It's Friday! (Has anyone else felt like it's Sunday every single day since Christmas??) For those of you stuck at work today, or for those easing into the weekend before starting the first full week of 2015, I have some pretties to feast your eyes on.
First up, this amazing ah-may-zing bookcase from Casa e Jardin magazine. The whole thing is in Portuguese so with a little help from Google Translate I found out that "the architect of the sea-green lacquer bookcase, Yara Pereira, has heights of niches and different widths to accommodate different sizes of books." I want one and I want to fill it with all the things.
I don't know where I've been, but I started looking through Uncommon Goods for the first time- they sent a catalog this year- and this beauty was in there. The Tea to Go Shake 'n' Brew is set up so you put tea in one end and water in the other and then shake it to brew. It's also supposed to give you a leafless cup, which I've almost never been able to achieve with loose tea.
Speaking of tea, let's have some blackberry jam and custard donuts to go with it. I'm in a bit of a sugar/dessert coma from the holidays but these may need to be made one cold weekend afternoon, because donuts.
I don't knit or crochet, but I love blankets like this and I love this color combination. I also think it would make a great gift for a boy or girl baby if you find yourself needing a gift.
Hello, gorgeous. This is the Mr. Smith chair, and while I am not one to put a big orange piece of furniture in my house, I would not turn this one down. I would love to just sink into its velvety softness with a book and the aforementioned tea and donuts, while I plan a redesign of my living room to coordinate with my new chair.
Even though we are clearly past the season now, I love this tutorial for these simple, rustic stocking holders. They are so expensive if you want to buy good ones and if you have more than four people in your family then you either end up with too many or an oddball. This way you can make as many as you want, personalize them, and fancy them up with pretty much any finish you can think of.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and that you've had a good start to the year so far. Anyone have good plans for the weekend? We'll be blissfully doing nothing (aka: cleaning the house, doing laundry, etc.). Meet me back here for some New Year's goals, and I very well may pick a word of the year afterall.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and that you've had a good start to the year so far. Anyone have good plans for the weekend? We'll be blissfully doing nothing (aka: cleaning the house, doing laundry, etc.). Meet me back here for some New Year's goals, and I very well may pick a word of the year afterall.
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