Disaster Zone (or, Part of My Creative Space)

Note: The good camera is still MIA, and it was raining, so please take these photos for what they are- dark. :)

Have you seen those blog posts about My Creative Space?  And what follows is usually photos of the nicest, neatest, most organized space you've ever seen and you end up coveting it for yourself?  Yea.

I just finished work on a large custom order of thank you notes that involved many different patterned papers and therefore many different colors for the faceplates.  Lots of cutting and pasting.  I'm usually really good at cleaning up as I go, or at least when I finish, but it was late and I was tired and I just didn't bother.  So this is what I found when I went in there this morning:

Piles and piles of scraps!  And I am not one to throw away any useable piece of paper (i.e. no smaller than one inch or so big) so I had to weed through what I had cut up in order to file it away "just in case".  So at least my creative space was being used, as it had been sitting collecting junk for a few weeks there.  And 15 or 20 minutes later, it looked like this:

Ah, so much better!  (Work table- Pottery Barn, local classified ad.  Woman moving to England, too expensive to ship.  Got probably 65% off original price, in great shape.)  It actually wasn't too bad- I had also been spead out across the floor trying to match up good colors, but then the toddler woke up and so the nice paper had to be removed from the floor.  Maybe when I feel a little more moved-in to the space (there are no pictures on the wall, still, after redoing the room months ago) and I have the good camera, I'll take some better shots to show you.

What does your creative space look like?  Link me posts if you ever blogged about yours!

Happy Friday!

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