Links on Friday.

It's going to snow this weekend!  Okay, not really.  Last week we were set to get the hugest snowstorm ever ever in Connecticut, and now we're forecast to get about an inch.  I was looking forward to not being able to go anywhere and snuggling under blankets, drinking tea and wasting time on the Internet.  If you're going to have some time to waste, here's a few things I suggest for your viewing pleasure:

21 Things You Never Knew You Could Donate

I bought a Simplified Planner this year but has anyone used the Get to Work Book?

Since it's so flippity-flipping cold here (24, feels like 16), how about some hot drinks from around the world.

I would love to switch from mass gift-giving to giving experiences.  There are a ton of suggestions here.  Now how to make the switch?

Hilarious video of non-design people being asked to work for free.

These potatoes.

Williams-Sonoma has chicken coops. !!!

This craft room.

In case you missed it:

Friday Finds: Winter Edition

Internet Friends are the Best Friends

10 Things I Grew Up With That My Kids Will Never Know

What's everyone's plans for the weekend?  Anyone in the area where they are going to be snowed in?

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